9:52 PM
May 09, 2008 News and Trends
Hilo Hattie sold Pacific Business News (Honolulu) - Bizjournals.com
Blinkx Rises And Falls On Mystical Google-News Corp Acquisition Chatter (CBS News)
Fri, 09 May 2008 08:03:05 PDT
Market speculation from an Investec analyst (via Bloomberg) that Google (NSDQ: GOOG) or News Corp (NYSE: NWS) may buy voice recognition-based video search index Blinkx did wonders for the company today - then petered out a little. FT.com casually noted the company may seek a Nasdaq listing, adding to its listing on London's AIM market. Blinkx shares jumped by 50 percent in the morning to a ...
Gateway 1 looks at future trends in midcoast (Wiscasset Newspaper)
Fri, 09 May 2008 18:05:55 PDT
During the past three years the Gateway I steering committee, working with the Maine Department of Transportation (MDOT), has gathered information to develop a long-range plan for the future of Route 1 from Brunswick to Prospect.
US study claims LGB population is less than 3%
Fri, 02 May 2008 05:15:20 PDT
Indiana delegate comes out for Obama ahead of tight race Indiana Representative Baron Hill, who introduced Senator Hillary Clinton at a rally just last Friday, today endorsed Barack Obama, becoming the fourth new superdelegate to throw support behind the Obama campaign in the last 24 hours. Royal "blackmail" evidence is "insubstantial, insignificant, and incomplete" A defence barrister at the trial of two men accused of trying to blackmail a member of the Royal Family has dismissed t
New kind of beetle found! By CBC staff!
Fri, 25 Apr 2008 02:21:19 PDT
New kind of beetle found! By CBC staff! Staff on the state-owned CBC Newsworld, where, suspiciously like Fox News Channel’s O’Reilly Factor, “The Spin Stops Here”! (-- or is that just on their “Politics” program?) apparently discovered the new creature. They called it the “GREENHOUSE BEETLE”. Most other people, like the folks at the National Post, which features the little bugger on their front page today, call it the Mountain Pine Beetle. Labcoats call it Dendroctonus Ponderosae. Bu
Blank & Jones - The Cure: Mixes P.1 EP out Now on Beatport.
Fri, 09 May 2008 17:04:23 PDT
This is for all you djs, fans and freaks...we have great news for you. 6 weeks before the official release of the new single "Miracle Cure" B&J decided to let you have the first three mixes exclusively on BEATPORT.com for your personal pleasure and club play.
British Church says religious trends report 'misleading' - Mangalorean.com
Trend Menjual Barang Orang Lain
Fri, 09 May 2008 00:29:40 PDT
Wah menjual barang orang lain kan dosa. Iya, itu kalau kita mencuri, tetapi maksud disini adalah menjualkan produk orang lain, atau istilahnya adalah OPP marketing (Other People Product).Sistemnya seperti ini, anda membuat sebuah situs yang memasarkan produk orang lain, biarkan dan cek komisi penjualan setelah beberapa waktu.Begitu saja?
Free Webinar on Social Technology Today
Fri, 09 May 2008 08:03:33 PDT
You've probably heard people talking about the new "it" book: "Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies." The book discusses the current trend of people using online social technologies like blogs, social networks, and podcasts, among other things, and how enterprise must learn to embrace these tools....
Awesome ClickBank Products
Celebrity News | News | Trends
Hilo Hattie sold Pacific Business News (Honolulu) Bizjournals.com, NC - 20 minutes ago Hilo Hattie, one of the largest retailers of Hawaiian fashions, souvenirs and gifts, has reportedly been sold to a California-based owner of a chain of hair ... |
Blinkx Rises And Falls On Mystical Google-News Corp Acquisition Chatter (CBS News)
Fri, 09 May 2008 08:03:05 PDT
Market speculation from an Investec analyst (via Bloomberg) that Google (NSDQ: GOOG) or News Corp (NYSE: NWS) may buy voice recognition-based video search index Blinkx did wonders for the company today - then petered out a little. FT.com casually noted the company may seek a Nasdaq listing, adding to its listing on London's AIM market. Blinkx shares jumped by 50 percent in the morning to a ...
Gateway 1 looks at future trends in midcoast (Wiscasset Newspaper)
Fri, 09 May 2008 18:05:55 PDT
During the past three years the Gateway I steering committee, working with the Maine Department of Transportation (MDOT), has gathered information to develop a long-range plan for the future of Route 1 from Brunswick to Prospect.
US study claims LGB population is less than 3%
Fri, 02 May 2008 05:15:20 PDT
Indiana delegate comes out for Obama ahead of tight race Indiana Representative Baron Hill, who introduced Senator Hillary Clinton at a rally just last Friday, today endorsed Barack Obama, becoming the fourth new superdelegate to throw support behind the Obama campaign in the last 24 hours. Royal "blackmail" evidence is "insubstantial, insignificant, and incomplete" A defence barrister at the trial of two men accused of trying to blackmail a member of the Royal Family has dismissed t
New kind of beetle found! By CBC staff!
Fri, 25 Apr 2008 02:21:19 PDT
New kind of beetle found! By CBC staff! Staff on the state-owned CBC Newsworld, where, suspiciously like Fox News Channel’s O’Reilly Factor, “The Spin Stops Here”! (-- or is that just on their “Politics” program?) apparently discovered the new creature. They called it the “GREENHOUSE BEETLE”. Most other people, like the folks at the National Post, which features the little bugger on their front page today, call it the Mountain Pine Beetle. Labcoats call it Dendroctonus Ponderosae. Bu
Blank & Jones - The Cure: Mixes P.1 EP out Now on Beatport.
Fri, 09 May 2008 17:04:23 PDT
This is for all you djs, fans and freaks...we have great news for you. 6 weeks before the official release of the new single "Miracle Cure" B&J decided to let you have the first three mixes exclusively on BEATPORT.com for your personal pleasure and club play.
British Church says religious trends report 'misleading' - Mangalorean.com
![]() Times Online | British Church says religious trends report 'misleading' Mangalorean.com, India - May 8, 2008 According to Religious Trends, published every year by Christian Research, there will be about 1.96 million active Muslims in Britain, compared with 1.63 ... Christianity is not dying but changing shape Times Online Christian Research data defended, but church decline continues Ekklesia Church attendance in Wales ‘plummeting’ ic Wales Telegraph.co.uk - Times Online all 35 news articles |
Trend Menjual Barang Orang Lain
Fri, 09 May 2008 00:29:40 PDT
Wah menjual barang orang lain kan dosa. Iya, itu kalau kita mencuri, tetapi maksud disini adalah menjualkan produk orang lain, atau istilahnya adalah OPP marketing (Other People Product).Sistemnya seperti ini, anda membuat sebuah situs yang memasarkan produk orang lain, biarkan dan cek komisi penjualan setelah beberapa waktu.Begitu saja?
Free Webinar on Social Technology Today
Fri, 09 May 2008 08:03:33 PDT
You've probably heard people talking about the new "it" book: "Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies." The book discusses the current trend of people using online social technologies like blogs, social networks, and podcasts, among other things, and how enterprise must learn to embrace these tools....
Awesome ClickBank Products
Celebrity News | News | Trends
Labels: Celebrity News | News